Analysis of Variance ( ANNOVA )

The purpose of product or process development is to improve the performance characteristics of the product or process relative to customer needs and expectation process relative to customer needs and expectation

The purpose of experimentation should be to reduce and contort variations of product or process; subsequently, decision must be made concerning which parameter affect the performance of a product or process SinThe variation of output is the resultant of variation due to:-

1.       Factors
2.       Interactions between factors
3.       Uncontrolled, uncontrollable or unknown factors
4.       Experimental errors

ce variation is large part of the discussion relative to quality, it is imperative that we study the variation
ANOVA(Analysis of Variation) is an excellent statistical method of interpreting experimental data to determine, which of the items is significant at a particular confidence level, and how much is its contribution to total contribution.

If the contribution to variation due to a particular item is say P% then if the factor or interaction is put under strict control, the total variation can be reduced by P%.

If the contribution to variation due to a particular item is say P% then if the factor or interaction is put under strict control, the total variation can be reduced by P%.