Six Sigma Tools - Box Plot

Box plot is a technique  for visualisation of data. The box plot is specifically useful when working with small sets of data or when comparing many different distribution

Box plot is a technique  for visualisation of data. The box plot is specifically useful when working with small sets of data or when comparing many different distribution

Like histogram, box plot also provide a graphic representation/summary of the pattern of variation in a set of data

The five values on basic box plot divide the data set in four equal groups.
·         One-fourth of the observation fall between lowest value and first quartile.
·         One-fourth of the observation fall between first quartile and median.
·         One-fourth of the observation fall between median and third quartile.
·         One-fourth of the observation fall between third quartile and the  highest value

Box plot simply display patterns from the data. The calculation associated with basic box plot does not assume that the data come from normal distribution or any other specific distribution

The key benefit of the box plot is that the five simple summary statistics shown, enable a team to see some of the aspects of the pattern of variation inherent in data even if the number of data points is too small to produce meaningful histogram